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A Behind the Scenes: A Conversation Between a Fitness Postural Coach and Leadership Coach

Writer's picture: Diana SmithsonDiana Smithson

At a recent event I attended to nurture my community and continue to advocate the benefits of postural alignment, my path crossed with a leadership coach, Nicole Beaudin. I was pleasantly surprised with the questions she asked me. She had an innate understanding of how our body, its alignment, and how we care for it impact our overall life, relationships, and ability to release past stressors and achieve our dreams, no matter our age. 

These questions anchored in how much my work supports people more than just physically, and reminded me why I’m incredibly grateful to be able to share my work with my the world. Her leadership coaching practice asks clients to listen to their body again (likely after years of not) and that can be their greatest decision making guide and way to shift their leadership and life in a new direction. 

I can't wait to share our conversation with you to draw the connection between mind, heart, and body for the best version of you possible. 

Nicole: Diana, what powerful work you do and provide for your clients. Have you ever noticed that their confidence increases as their posture improves?

Diana: Nicole, what I do is second to none in postural alignment and longevity.  Many hold off on getting their bodies 'fixed' until they experience pain, injury, health setback, etc. We must change how we identify, label and treat pain.  We must look at the body as a whole. Just as a tire that has been driving with a poor alignment eventually needs to be replaced, prevention could reverse the need. Think of how that relates to our bodies and confidence.  Isn’t it better to prevent than repair? 

Nicole: There's a book called, "The Body Keeps the Score," by Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk. Have you witnessed clients process old emotions as they work through stuff with their body? I know I've seen it in clients and experienced it myself through simple chiropractic adjustments. 

Diana: That book is such a great insight on how our body truly does track every movement pattern and thought. One on one training has always been a favorite of mine as I get to chat and really know who my clients are.  With this kind of respect, there's a sense of safety and security.  While we wouldn't necessarily open up with our thoughts and feelings sitting across the room from someone, there's something about movement and realigning the body that allows for realignment of emotions.  Some of my clients don't realize they are 'stuck' until their body starts to improve in posture.

Nicole: I recently read a study about a very successful entrepreneur who normally dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. He was curious to learn what would happen if he elevated how he dressed. He tracked his income and was shocked to see his income grow exponentially. He carried himself with more self-worth and pride, just as someone with aligned posture comes across differently to those around them. Have you ever seen your clients attract better into their lives as they re-aligned their posture, listened to their bodies, and took better care of themselves?

Diana: Absolutely! I tell me clients all the time, ‘if you can feel your feet, meaning the absence of neuropathy, then look up!’. Proper posture exudes more confidence and attracts healthier lifestyles.  For example, we don’t sit up nice and tall eating a bowl of icecream and binge watching “Real Housewives of …..” and complaining to our friends.  Our posture directly affects our expectations and attitude.

Nicole: I had planned to only ask three questions today, but one more keeps knocking on my intuition, and I promised myself to always listen to that still small voice. What is the impact of postural alignment on our internal organs, including our brain? For example I’ve noticed (when I’m paying attention, of course) when I stand up straighter my heart feels more open and energized. 

Diana: You’re right on target, Nicole! Our bodies will hold ourselves based on our levels or capabilities to connect.  As someone who is generally more introverted but outgoing, I can feel my body more aligned when I take the courage and push into the uncomfortable.  When I’m closed in my body, I’m definitely closed in my heart!

Nicole: I am so grateful for your knowledge and how you empower your clients. Many of my clients are overwhelmed so we often start small and build. Usually that small is how they talk to themselves or a 2 minute meditation. When you haven’t listened or acted on your body's nudges in a long time it can be really scary. What’s one simple thing I can start to do today to empower my body and its alignment (in addition to making an appointment with you!)?

Diana: In combination with your meditation practice, lie on your back with your legs propped to 90 degrees on a chair. Arms out to the side.  This allows the passive relaxation of the body to prepare for more corrective exercises to hold the alignment.

Nicole & I both hope sharing this conversation with you gets you listening to and caring for this beautiful and miraculous body you’ve been given. Your postural alignment impacts every area of your life and can either empower or further impede you as you age. I’d love to support you in aligning back to your best self and life. 

Postural Alignment Practitioner: Diana Smithson

Leadership Coach: Nicole Beaudin

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